Another Tips and Tricks video, In this video we check out 10 keyboard shortcuts you should know to improve your workflow.

I’m always a big supporter of using the keyboard as much as possible no matter which software you are using. It’s just so much faster than the mouse (For most things).

After you start using these shortcuts they will become second nature, And your workflow a lot faster.
1. Full Screen – FN + CTRL + F11 // F11

2. Open Preferences Menu – CMD + ‘,’ // CTRL + ‘,’

3. Toggle Device/Clip View – SHIFT + TAB

4. Capture and Insert Scene – CMD + SHIFT + I // CTRL + SHIFT + I

5. Insert Silence – CMD + I // CTRL + I

6. Grab Markers – CMD (Shift)

7. Show Fades – CMD + SHIFT + F // CTRL + SHIFT + F

8. Toggle Second Window – CMD + SHIFT + W // CTRL + SHIFT + W

9. Jump to next Title – TAB

10. Export Menu – CMD + SHIFT + R // CTRL + SHIFT + R


Check out the Ableton Reference Keyboard Shortcuts

To Watch the entire series go here.